Messaging System

Send and Receive

You can send a message from the web view to UniWebView. It helps you implement a way to "control" your game from the web page.

UniWebView inspects all links starts from uniwebview:// by default. That means if your user taps a link starting with "uniwebview", an OnMessageReceived event will be raised with a UniWebViewMessage as its parameter.

If you have this on your page:

<a href="uniwebview://action?key=value&anotherKey=anotherValue">Tap Me</a>

And you have this event listener in Unity:

webView.OnMessageReceived += (view, message) => {

When the link is tapped, it prints:



Besides of an HTML link, a location.href JavaScript will also send a message to UniWebView and trigger the event. The code below is identical to example above:

location.href = "uniwebview://action?key=value&anotherKey=anotherValue";

Message Object

UniWebView parses the input and pass it to you in the OnMessageReceived event, as the message parameter. In the example above, you have:

message.Scheme // "uniwebview"
message.Path   // "action"
message.Args   // {"key": "value", "anotherKey": "anotherValue"}

Using a Valid URL

From iOS 15.4, Apple applied a limitation that an invalid URL is not triggering the necessary events for UniWebView to deliver the message anymore. That means you cannot use things like location.href = "uniwebview://{\"title\":\"hello\"}" to send a message. Instead, you need to make sure to pass a valid URL, like location.href = "uniwebview://event?title=hello" or location.href = "uniwebview://event?payload={\"title\":\"hello\"}".

Furthermore, if you prefer an HTML link instead of the location.href above, remember to encode your URL query:

<a href="uniwebview://event?payload=%7B%22title%22:%22hello%22%7D">Hello</a>

Using URL query to pass detail information is recommended. For more about what is a "valid URL", please check RFC 3986open in new window and other related specifications.


If you are using the same key in the URL query, UniWebViewMessage will parse them to the same key as well, with the values concatenated by a comma. For example, a URL like uniwebview://action?key=1&key=2 will be parsed to a message with Args as {"key": "1,2"}.

Adding your own scheme

By default, "uniwebview" is inspected in UniWebView Messaging System. You can also add your own URL schemes. Call AddUrlScheme with the one you need:

// Start to inspect all `myscheme://` URLs.

A tricky thing here is, you can even set http and https as the scheme. It will prevent all loading of web resources. A use case is that you do not want your user to leave the current page: first load your page, then, in the OnPageFinished event, disable all navigating by adding the "http(s)" scheme:


webView.OnPageFinished += (view, statusCode, url) => {

    // Now your user will not be able to navigate to other pages hosted on HTTP or HTTPS.


The messaging system is built on URL and Unity's message sender. It means you cannot send the unlimited size of data at once. The allowed max length of a URL is different from devices and system versions. But a safe length is ~16KB for a URL. If you have something huge to send from the web page to Unity and encountered some problems, it would be better to split them into smaller pieces.