

A customizable authentication flow behavior.

For a guide of using this class, please refer to the Common Flow section in theOAuth 2.0 Support guide.

Besides of the predefined authentication flows, such as Twitter (UniWebViewAuthenticationFlowTwitter) or Google (UniWebViewAuthenticationFlowGoogle), this class allows you to determine the details of the authentication flow, such as entry points, grant types, scopes and more. But similar to other target-specified flows, it follows the same OAuth 2.0 code auth pattern.

If you need to support other authentication flows for the platform targets other than the predefined ones, you can use this class and set all necessary parameters. It conforms to the IUniWebViewAuthenticationFlow and runs the standard OAuth 2.0 flow and gives out a UniWebViewAuthenticationStandardToken as the result.

If you need to support authentication flows other than code based OAuth 2.0, try to derive from UniWebViewAuthenticationCommonFlow and implement IUniWebViewAuthenticationFlow interface, or even use the underneath UniWebViewAuthenticationSession to get a highly customizable flow.

It inherits from UniWebViewAuthenticationCommonFlow, which is in turn a MonoBehaviour and can be attached to a Game Object. The usual way to use this class is attaching it to an existing Game Object in the scene and setup it in the inspector.

Properties Summary

The config object which defines the basic information of the authentication flow.

The client Id of your OAuth application.

The redirect URI of your OAuth application.

The scope of the authentication request.

The optional object which defines some optional parameters of the authentication flow, such as whether supports state or PKCE.

Events Summary

Called when the authentication flow succeeds and a valid token is generated.

Called when any error (including user cancellation) happens during the authentication flow.

Called when the access token refresh request finishes and a valid refreshed token is generated.

Called when any error (including user cancellation) happens during the authentication flow.

Methods Summary

Starts the authentication flow with the standard OAuth 2.

Starts the refresh flow with the standard OAuth 2.


The config object which defines the basic information of the authentication flow.

It contains basic information of an OAuth 2.0 service provider, including the authorizationEndpoint, tokenEndpoint and responseType, etc.

Although you can set the values for a config instance by code, a more common way is attaching this script to a Game Object and setup it in the Unity inspector UI.

The client Id of your OAuth application.

Usually, when you create an application on the provider platform, you will get a client Id to identify your application on the platform. It is used as the "Client Identifier" in OAuth 2.0 specification.

The redirect URI of your OAuth application. The service provider is expected to call this URI to pass back the authorization code. It should be something also set to your OAuth application.

Also remember to add it to the "Auth Callback Urls" field in UniWebView's preference panel.

It is used as the "Redirection Endpoint" in OAuth 2.0 specification.

The scope of the authentication request.

The optional object which defines some optional parameters of the authentication flow, such as whether supports state or PKCE.

Although you can set values for an optional instance by code, a more common way is attaching this script to a Game Object and setup it in the Unity inspector UI.


public UniWebViewAuthenticationFlowCustomize customize;

customize.optional.enableState = true;
customize.optional.PKCESupport = UniWebViewAuthenticationPKCE.S256;



Called when the authentication flow succeeds and a valid token is generated.



void OnTokenReceived(UniWebViewAuthenticationStandardToken token) {
  Debug.Log("Access Token: " + token.AccessToken);

Called when any error (including user cancellation) happens during the authentication flow.



void OnAuthError(long error, string message) {
  Debug.Log("Error code: " + error + " Message: " + message);

Called when the access token refresh request finishes and a valid refreshed token is generated.



void OnRefreshTokenReceived(UniWebViewAuthenticationStandardToken token) {
  Debug.Log("Access Token: " + token.AccessToken);

Called when any error (including user cancellation) happens during the authentication flow.



void OnRefreshTokenError(long error, string message) {
  Debug.Log("Error code: " + error + " Message: " + message);


Starts the authentication flow with the standard OAuth 2.0. This implements the abstract method in UniWebViewAuthenticationCommonFlow.

Starts the refresh flow with the standard OAuth 2.0. This implements the abstract method in UniWebViewAuthenticationCommonFlow.